By The Post-Journal
WCA Hospital is excited to announce the acquisition of new state-of-the-art technology, The iLogic System from superDimension that uses an Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy (ENB) system. The new echnology offers patients a minimally invasive option to locate, enable biopsy, and plan treatment for a lesion detected deep in the lung and aids in the earlier detection of lung disease and lung cancer when it is often easier to treat, has a higher survival rate, and potentially offers patient more treatment options.
WCA Hospital is the first hospital in the region to provide the superDimension i Logic System as an option for patients who have learned they have a hard-to-reach lesion on their lung. The ENB procedure combines GPS-like technology with a catheter-based system that uses the patient’s natural airways to access lesions that were previously hard to reach.
“The iLogic system represents a promising new approach for detecting lung cancer and disease earlier,” said David B. DiMarco, M.D., P.C., F.A.C.C., F.C.C.P., board-certified general and thoracic surgeon on the medical staff at WCA Hospital. “Early and precise diagnosis and staging of lung cancer and other thoracic cancers is important for successful treatment. This minimally invasive procedure will help many patients at WCA Hospital and gives us an added dimension in our continuing efforts in the fight against lung disease.”
The iLogic System enables physicians at WCA to biopsy lung lesions that are too small and inaccessible through the traditional bronchoscopy. The minimally invasive ENB procedure is typically performed in an outpatient setting.
The technology was funded by the Italian American (IA) Charity Golf Association supporters and volunteers who successfully completed a three-year, $150,000 pledge to the hospital to underwrite the purchase of the minimally invasive lung navigation system.
Discuss with your doctor the best way to diagnose a spot on your lung. For more information on the technology and how the Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy procedure aids in the fight against lung disease and lung cancer, contact David DiMarco, M.D., at 483-1361, 69 E. Fairmount Avenue, Lakewood. To watch a video on the Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy procedure, visit the WCA Hospital’s website,

The iLogic System from superDimension uses Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy system which aids in early detection of lung cancer and disease at WCA Hospital.