Two Teams Tied For I-A Lead
WCA Hospital Acquires iLogic System To Explore Lungs
By The Post-Journal
WCA Hospital is excited to announce the acquisition of new state-of-the-art technology, The iLogic System from superDimension that uses an Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy (ENB) system. The new echnology offers patients a minimally invasive option to locate, enable biopsy, and plan treatment for a lesion detected deep in the lung and aids in the earlier detection of lung disease and lung cancer when it is often easier to treat, has a higher survival rate, and potentially offers patient more treatment options.
Italian American Golf Assn. Donates Funds For Cancer Care
By The Post-Journal
The Italian American Charity Golf Association recently presented WCA Hospital with a $50,000 check, proceeds from their 2012 golf tournament and other fundraising activities. This was the final installment of the IA’s three-year, $150,000 pledge to enhance local cancer care at WCA Hospital through the purchase of a minimally invasive lung navigation system which will result in earlier diagnosis and treatment options for lung cancer patients.